Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Themes for Anne Frank

I do not know that much about Anne's story yet, but from what I know currently, I think the theme for this is what it is like in hiding. When Anne was hiding she had a hard time having self-control because she was a very bright and happy girl. Especially when it passed 6 o'clock Anne screamed out going, "WHEEEE!!!!" She couldn' really have self-control. She had to also follow strict rules and restricitions that her dad made. Being in hiding is the theme for this plot, which is actually also a real story. It makes me wonder how blocked I would have felt.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Prejudice, the cruel stinky stupid arrogant greedy man

Prejudice is a negative thought towards something without any knowledge or reason about it. It means that prejudice is hatred without any reason. The opposite of prejudice would be unconditional love. To love without any reason or knowledge about him/her. I have seen prejudice in Holocaust, in school, in racism, and in the life of Christ. There is probably more then i have seen prejudice in but I feel that the prejudice towards Jesus Christ was the greatest. Thats what amazes me, the pain and persecution of Jesus. It makes me amazed! There is no other prejudice towards something else that amazed me, except made me feel hatred. The prejudice towards him amazed me. It influences many people because hate has similiar concepts with love. But everything is also opposite. For hate, it spreads out fast, through rumors, through acts and deeds that look great and awesome. It makes people into stone though, a cloud thick with black smoke. For love, it spreads fast, like hate, but not through rumors, but by the truth. It spreads by the deeds and acts that may look painful, hurtful, graceful, like Jesus. But it makes people feel in peace, a peace that noeone else can ever feel in his life. Not the sexual and distorted love of THIS world but of heaven and God. They both make people feel passionate, which can be very affective.

like my blog. hehe.

What do you know already about the Holocaust?

Out of what I know of the Holocaust I just know that German Nazi's who were followers of Hitler killed a bunch of Jews because of Hitler. They hated Jews for no reason. But during the Holocaust, many Jews were put in concentration or death camps, which are basically the same thing. They both killed a bunch of people in different unique ways. They even experimented on the people with science experiments that usually ended up with the results of them dying. They also raped the women, and tortured the men. I also know a famous pianist who was a Jew that suffered during the Holocaust who survived. I believe his name was Horowitz. A famous pianist who I also like. When it ended with the victory of the alliance against the axis, all the Germans were judged, but they had a major problem because everything about war was a crime, so it was hard for them to judge. For they all deserved to die, which especially Soviet Union hated when osme of them were left alive, because they suffered the most during the war efforts. The holocaust was basically a period of massacre towards the jews.